Monday, October 12, 2009

And so it begins again...

Saint Paul Winter Carnival
It's snowing as I type this, and the Holiday season will soon be here. In fact, the Holiday displays are already going up in Target. With the possible exception of Halloween and the Super Bowl, it will be too cold to show anything on the side of the house until next year.

Thanks to everyone who came out and watched some movies with us. I hope you had a good time. As always, feel free to email me with future movie ideas.

Here are some seasonal Winter links:

Chaska Winter Parking
Winter Sports Activities in Minnesota
Minnesota Winter Festivals and Carnivals
Minnesota Winter Getaways
A Christmas Carol at the Guthrie
Minnesota Wild schedule

Here's some ice carving from the 2009 Saint Paul Winter Carnival:

For something completely different, and in keeping with the tradition of Halloween preceding Christmas:

Here's a list from FEARnet of their Top 10 Scariest Santas Ever, complete with accompanying video clips! (Not for the kiddies!) has a list of scary yuletide movies that will carry you into the holiday season. (Again, NOT for the kiddies!)

A Christmas commercial from the good folks at DirecTV:

Enough with the horror stuff. These links offer suggestions for much more family friendly holiday viewing:

A list of Christmas Films from Wikipedia
Chicago Tribune Top 25 Christmas Movies

See how you fare on the Hollywood Christmas Movie Trivia Quiz.

And finally, take a gander at the results of the Carver County Photo Contest. Among these amazing shots are some serenely sweet snowy scenes.

Happy Holidays to all!

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